"Leader's job is to help people grow as humans first, then as employees"
Learn HowCompanies and communities that understand the power of empathy multiply their chances of success.
The power of empathy at work explains what empathy is and why it is worth developing in working life as well. The book works as a concrete tool box for employees and leaders to develop their own empathy skills and to build a compassionate work culture that nurtures success and wellbeing in the workplace.
Talks and Trainings
Give your team or your entire organization an energizing chance to learn about the power of empathy, compassion, or emotional skills at work. Tailored talks from 20 minutes up to three hours. Ask for a talk.
Deep dive into compassion, empathy, or workplace emotional skills in practice. Learn how to bring out the best in yourself and people around you. Evidence-based in-depth trainings for leaders, managers, teams and entire organizations. Ask for a training.
“Pidin erittäin paljon luennosta ja sen sisällöstä! Erinomaiset kiteytykset, oivaltavat tutkimusviittaukset, asiasisältöjen monipuolinen käsittely infotulvaa välttäen helpottivat ajatuksia herättävän esityksen seuraamista! En heti keksi mitään parannettavaa.”
– Suomen Pankki
“Rautainen ammattilainen. Akateemisesti uskottava. Osaava. Innostava. Erityisen nautinnollista oli kerrankin osallistua koulutukseen, jossa ei ollut hukkaminuutteja.”
– Kansallisgalleria
“Mahtava ote. Syvä osaaminen aihealueesta. Upea läsnäolo ja aito kiinnostus valmennettaviin. Hyvä menetelmäosaaminen.”
– Nordea
Compassion Trainer, Speaker, Researcher
The Official Line
I train compassion, empathy, and emotional skills in organizations, and I’m a researcher at the University of Helsinki where I co-founded a multidisciplinary research project studying the impacts of compassion at work for the first time in Finland. I teach Positive Organizational Scholarship and Positive Psychology to Master’s students, and I’m an author of three books: the first Finnish book on empathy in work life The Power of Empathy at Work (Empatian voima työssä, WSOY 2022), the first Finnish book on compassion at work, The Revolutionary Power of Compassion (Myötätunnon Mullistava Voima, PS-Kustannus 2017), and Economy and Moral (Talous ja Moraali, Gaudeamus 2016).
The Bottom Line
I believe that the human spirit is attracted to truth and kindness, solidarity and fellowship. That’s why compassion – intelligent kindness – is the ultimate human superpower to drive both economic success and well-being. I do not believe that bad and good are mutually exclusive, but I do believe that humans have the capacity to rise above destructive behaviour, short-term thinking, and harmful biases.
In The News
Live radio interview with Riku and Tunna from Docventures, National radio Yle:
“Compassion is empathy in action, and empathy can be learned. Compassion creates higher quality connection with people, and improves our health, motivation as well as organizational outcomes.”
National Yle News: How do you react when your colleague shares good news?
“We’ve lost touch with the true nature of human beings. As we are moving to team-based work, we become dependent on our capability to feel empathy and act compassionately.”
In the Blog
Dare to learn
"If our boss asks us to learn, they better understand what they’re really asking for" Learning is inherently human. It also differentiates successful teams from others. The goal of learning is to create positive change in behavior, knowledge, or ways of...
In Academia
Awakening Compassion in Managers—a New Emotional Skills Intervention to Improve Managerial Compassion. Journal of Business and Psychology, 2020.